Well, there are none.
We never founded this community as a business venture, it was never intended to generate a profit.
It is an "investor free zone" and we shall keep it that way. We are not waiting for the right moment to sell at a profit, there is no IPO on our agenda and we all work for a decent but normal (=average) income. The organization's net earnings serve to create opportunities: student grants, special support and school programs, research, fare allowances and more.
Check out The Opportunity Kitchen to find out more!
And: there is no third party commercial activity - no advertising and no product placement.
We talk and listen a lot to schools, teachers and students, we invest a lot of time and thought into the relations
we cultivate in dialogue with authors, scientists, experts on education and international affairs and many more.
We firmly believe that there is a lot to be achieved within the many positive aspects of globalization.
”Education by cooperation” is the currency of our future, this revenue is worth more than any fast ROI could ever be. We value our unrestricted freedom of being able to think, act and react - both in terms of ethics and as entrepreneurs - as and when and how we think fit. To carry on in this spirit, we don't want to waste our time and energy on shareholder arguments, conflicting interests of advertisers and other interferences. We are a Community Interest Company. For added clarity: We are neither a charity nor do we take donations. |