Young Global Natives are going to play a powerful part in future politics.
They think politically. On quite different terms and in great numbers.
The Fridays for Future movement showed us all what activism can achieve.
And where its limits are. The kids quickly learned: For real results, it takes politics.
The young are still in education, so they team up with experienced, active politicians and thought leaders in our community for mentoring.
Here's how: |
They intend to make a major impact. See what some of them have to say:
We're from all walks of life. Literally.We come from all walks of life. Many of us know hardship and even poverty from personal experience, there is nothing elitist about our community. We were raised to be global citizens, open-minded and cooperative, with a genuine interest in other societies, cultures, beliefs, and in the history behind them.
How about inventing the wheel?People are constantly looking for solutions that already exist.
Us-vs-them is toxic, toxic, toxic.Netanyahu, Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, Orbán, Lukaschenko, Bolsonaro, Duterte, Erdogan, Salvini, Johnson, al-Assad, and many, many more: Populists, nationalists, bullies!
Americans are so terrified of socialism! Why ?In Sweden, we often wonder "What seems so terrifying about our way of life?
Peer superpower: The best thing since sliced bread!We talked a lot about politicians. And what we don't like about the way they work.
Will we dare to question religions?I have always wondered why religions make such a difference between men and women! For once, I'd love to hear stories of imams telling men that they must not beat their wives or sermons of priests giving fathers a telling off for taking their money to the pub when their families go hungry!
Everything is global. Climate, nature, humanity, our lives.Fridays for Future has shown clearly that we need new political thinking.
Old style politics need to go. They're not working for us.Most of these folks just can't get out of their set-in-concrete ways. Conservatives and liberals, socialists and nationalists ... in the end, only the party matters to them.
East and West. Two sides of the same coin.When I was a kid I used to watch American and British series a lot. They seemed pretty cool to me and helped me to learn English. At fourteen, I had the chance to go to Europe and two years later I went to the US. My disappointment was overwhelming. Most people don't know a thing about Asia, let alone the Far East.
Pragmatic crowd-sourcing. Just my thing.We all have our own agenda. Every one of us.
Finally, a "we" that includes everyone who is like meBeing a woman does not come with the full package of chances in life anyway.
Our circles grow so fastI've already done a fair bit of research. My plan is a reform of our national education system, it is obsolete and unfair. Through my peers and their families I can access information on school systems of 58 countries worldwide! More than that, they
Where I live, everyone takes everything for grantedI have this thing in my mind. I've always had it. It's because of my mum and my grandpa. About the Haves and the Have-nots. They both told me - really, ever
We have an agenda everyone cares about: GenerationsWe both study sociology and journalism. What we want to establish is a global data bank on intergenerational projects, how they've worked out and what can be learned from them. Before the pandemic we travelled a lot. Backpacking, on a budget.
I'm an environmentalist. And I know that people are pigs.My brothers and I live in a house right next to a major highway. We get a lot of
We're all in the same boat.You and I pursue the same goals. No matter what political party you're in.
I cannot hear and I cannot speak.
We delight in "vice versa mentoring"!
These kids want to be where we are now. And they
Bolder Bonds! That's how we get things right.The strategy is brilliant. Instead of putting pressure on politicians to do the right thing, young people decide to go into politics themselves. And since that can't be done overnight with kids aged 15 to 25, there is something that is possible straight away: Vice versa mentoring with politicians who are ready to listen now.
Of course, they will make mistakes. So did we.Wouldn't we have loved to be able to check with others, with like-minded peers,
The climate issue is getting more worrying by the day, economic fairness is nowhere in sight,
women's rights are still miles off track, racial injustice is a crying shame, democracy has taken
some serious blows.
Right now, Gaza and Ukraine are showing the world very clearly just how fragile our systems are.
Thankfully, there are growing efforts worldwide to support young people's engagement in politics and society. A beautiful example is
"Join Politics" in Germany. We'd be happy to list similar projects from all over the world and welcome your suggestions: Contact.