I learn Russian
Case Study, May 22 |
There will be a Russia without Putin.
Toronto, like all of Canada, has large Russian and Ukrainian communities.
"I had asked our friends a year beforehand, if they knew any Russian speakers personally. They did!
Now I can practise my skills in three languages. I help out in a small software company, where I speak
English and French. Weekends I lend a hand in a Russian Restaurant where I deliberately speak nothing
but Russian. I can really tell how I'm getting better all the time!"
"I had asked our friends a year beforehand, if they knew any Russian speakers personally. They did!
Now I can practise my skills in three languages. I help out in a small software company, where I speak
English and French. Weekends I lend a hand in a Russian Restaurant where I deliberately speak nothing
but Russian. I can really tell how I'm getting better all the time!"
Daniel is an expert in geography and knows a lot about the countries whose languages he speaks. He's read Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Gogol, Chekhov and Solzhenitsyn, and he has studied a fair number of Russian cookbooks too.
The story and fate of Alexei Navalny touched Daniel deeply. "One day, sooner or later, there will be a Russia without Putin. And I share the belief of my Russians friends here, that there are better days to come. I will be ready then." |