Let's study how mum works
We are looking for PhD students who want to write their thesis about how mothers and their mindsets work.
He is right. Men and women work and think differently. Their mindsets could be put to much better use.
Now, let's move on to motherminds. And to the fact, that of course - theoretically - anyone can have one.
There certainly are men (and women without children) who have one and occasionally there are mothers who don't.
Now, let's move on to motherminds. And to the fact, that of course - theoretically - anyone can have one.
There certainly are men (and women without children) who have one and occasionally there are mothers who don't.
But they are the exception.
And for mothers, to acquire a mothermind is not something that happens with the birth of a child. It has to develop. And that takes time. It grows with responsibility, an intense learning process and frequent overdoses of love and frustration. However, once it has reached its full power and potential, it is amazing. Almost everyone knows that. Who doesn't? Employers don't. Well, certainly too many of them don't. Working mums should be players, not petitioners! |
This is our mission. After almost ten years of working intensely with mothers and fathers from all walks of life we believe we're starting to understand the full potential of motherminds. And we realize just how undervalued they are. This opinion of our's however will not be enough to change public perception and it will not be enough to give mums the self-confidence that should be theirs by default.
Therefore we have decided to opt for scientific evidence and you are invited to contribute!
Therefore we have decided to opt for scientific evidence and you are invited to contribute!
To be clear: mum works is about mothers OUTSIDE their family environment.
How are mothers different in the way they work, co-operate and manage?
What are their strengths and weaknesses, what makes them unique?
If you feel that this fits perfectly with your scientific ambitions and you
could imagine writing your thesis on this subject, please get in touch!
We'd like to keep all options open and talk to you personally and in-depth. Propose your favourite path and procedure! * You could work with us full or part time whilst conducting your research and write your thesis as you proceed. * Alternatively you could conduct your work in other circumstances of your choice and liaise with us on a regular basis. * You may even work independently and present the thesis on completion. This could be a dissertation in social/gender studies, psychology (behavioural studies), management studies, economy or even anthropology. We are open to all kinds of ideas and proposals. The final result should be three studies, conducted totally independent from each other, covering a wide range of nations, cultures, income levels, educational backgrounds, lifestyles and mentalities. They should look at urban and rural specifics too. The language is English. Please get in touch using the form. All the information you submit will be treated with utmost discretion and never be passed on to any third party. If we do not find common ground for a cooperation we will delete all your data as soon as this decision has been communicated either way. For questions please write to [email protected] . |