mum works
Mum works is the initiative of twenty-seven mothers. All of them work at GlobalNatives.Org. They want to make an impact on how mothers in the workplace are being treated and valued in future. They take a pragmatic and scientific approach.
The project stands on two pillars: First, Global Natives invite PhD students to write their thesis on the topic.
And we invite people from all walks of life to tell their side of the story. From ideal employment situations to truly
awful working environments: We collect all input to give the research work a solid basis of materials and opinions.
And we invite people from all walks of life to tell their side of the story. From ideal employment situations to truly
awful working environments: We collect all input to give the research work a solid basis of materials and opinions.
Mothers see more than the obvious solutions and prevent small problems from becoming big ones. They have a sixth sense for other people's talents and a radar for potential. They feel the sorrow and joy of others and know when help is needed.
These values don't show on company balance sheets. So it is time for scientific evidence!
Global Natives specialize in handmade international connections. The platform serves kids and parents alike.
Who makes creative use of the almost unlimited possibilities? You guessed it. Mothers. In 93% of all cases.
Whilst fathers tend towards the "single purpose" strategy, mothers see all the options, uses and benefits.
Who makes creative use of the almost unlimited possibilities? You guessed it. Mothers. In 93% of all cases.
Whilst fathers tend towards the "single purpose" strategy, mothers see all the options, uses and benefits.
"When we saw the data we realized that we clearly represent the world's largest community of global minded mothers!"Men's professional lives don't change that drastically with fatherhood. But women's lives often change track completely when they become mothers.
It does something with an educated strong-willed person when starting a family means losing professional leverage and personal freedom. On the job market having children can turn a player into a petitioner. |
We define power & potential of the mother-mindset. With scientific backing.
Mum works: The Global Natives community offers three placements for PhD students, aiming for three different studies on the specific qualities of mothers. These could be dissertations in the fields of social/gender studies, psychology, management studies, economy or even anthropology.
We listen to your story. Tell us your tale of a working mum's pain and glory.
We need your personal stories and your best and worst practice experiences to come up with a representative picture of the working mother's world. Give us your ideas and suggestions and tell us about the smart and about the stupid moments you have encountered. Every contribution is appreciated!
Take a look at a few case studies to see what a