We talk to folks hundreds and even thousands of miles away. They are our famillage: They're kindred spirits, bringing new perspectives and fresh ideas into our lives. Their kids and our kids teach each other languages. During lockdown many of us have reached out for new connections in the vicinity and found kindred spirits within our neighbourhoods.
How about Global Native families in your town, your county? Want to talk, meet, share specific ideas and plans? The wish to get together with fellow Global Natives locally has grown exponentially during lockdown. And who are the champions of local Global Native talks? The German-speaking world, the Dutch and the Scandinavians!
Why now and why with such intensity? Because there is a tremendous longing for a new start and for new thinking after the crisis. So we seek out kindred spirits with our own language, culture and environment to hear their perspective. Teaming up offers a strategy to draw a new road map together. Around the corner and around the world!
Why now and why with such intensity? Because there is a tremendous longing for a new start and for new thinking after the crisis. So we seek out kindred spirits with our own language, culture and environment to hear their perspective. Teaming up offers a strategy to draw a new road map together. Around the corner and around the world!