Teenage hostility. Listening really helps.
Seven long and pretty tough weeks lie behind us by now.
The Liberating Lockdown Talks have created a new and powerful understanding for many families. However, they didn't work out equally well for everyone. Some may not have given it their best try, others may have found the circumstances weren't right. We've looked at the feedback and found one of the toughest challenges parents face is: Teenage hostility.
Our blog post from late March resonated strongly with tens of thousands of parents!
The Liberating Lockdown Talks have created a new and powerful understanding for many families. However, they didn't work out equally well for everyone. Some may not have given it their best try, others may have found the circumstances weren't right. We've looked at the feedback and found one of the toughest challenges parents face is: Teenage hostility.
Our blog post from late March resonated strongly with tens of thousands of parents!
troubled angry hostile aggressive irritable moody defiant ...
How can mums and dads cope with irritable and angry teens when they're hard pushed to deal with daily life themselves? Feedback shows that the majority did manage, here's how:
Tit for tat. I listen to you, you listen to me.
1.) Parents listened to their kids first.
2.) They stuck to the rules:
No interruptions, no criticism, no derogatory remarks,
no well-meant advice, no jokes, no negative consequences.
See the blog post here: